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Kimono Bomber Jacket

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Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Polynesian dressing for the MillenniumLindah Lepou made this ensemble, which comprises a kimono-inspired bomber jacket and black beaded lace dress, for the Avant garde section of the Benson & Hedges Fashion Design Awards in 1997. Combining inspiration from Samoan, European and Japanese dress traditions, the look was described as ‘Polynesian dressing for the Millennium’. Lindah LepouLindah Lepou is an award-winning artist, of Samoan and New Zealand descent, who works across music, film, costume design and fashion. Over the last 25 years she has forged a reputation for her conceptually driven, one off garments, in which she combines Samoan and European influences, including her identity as fa'afafine. She has termed her style ‘Pacific Couture’.  Lindah Lepou’s work is reflective of her heritage and working in the vā, the space in-between that she inhabits; in-between genders, cultures, ideologies and worlds. In 2022 she received the inaugural Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi “Toi Kō Iriiri” queer arts award in celebration of an outstanding artist or group of artists whose practice has a meaningful impact on the queer community.

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Kimono Bomber Jacket

  • Maker

    Lindah Lepou

  • Date made


  • Subject

    silk, Dacron (TM), coats, Polynesian, Japanese, New Zealand, Auckland

  • Rights

    All Rights Reserved

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  • Location

    Cable Street, Wellington

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

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Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

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