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Hershey Commemorative Plate

Shared by
Silky Oak

Commemorative plate from 1953 to mark 50 years of the town Hershey.

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Hershey Commemorative Plate

  • Maker

    L Elkinton Larzelere United States of America, Heiges Betty United States of America

  • Date made


  • Subject

    -1 OR 2+363-363-1, -1 OR 2+108-108-1, -1' OR 2+615-615-1, -1' OR 2+142-142-1, -1" OR 2+923-923-1, 17*if(now(), 170'XOR(17*if(now(), 170"XOR(17*if(now(), (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select, 17-1, 17-1), 17-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --, 17VVXE3BbA', 17-1 OR 386, 17-1) OR 121, 17-1)) OR 908, 173IOO2VEx' OR 884, 17taxHy0VJ') OR 639, 17R9ZTuO3W')) OR 565, 17*DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(99)||CHR(99)||CHR(99), 17'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98), 17����%2527%2522\'\", @@UFUyN

  • Additional information

    Syracuse China

  • Rights

    All rights reserved

  • View source record for this item

Kei hea tēnei taonga? -
Where is this item held?

Silky Oak

Whare taonga | Organisation

Silky Oak

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  • You must check with Silky Oak to confirm terms of use and any attribution requirements, but this is our understanding:

  • Use for private study, research, criticism, review, or education

    NZ Copyright law allows for the use of copyrighted works in specific circumstances. Consider what you can do under copyright law.

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    You can't modify, remix or add to this image without further permission.

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    You can't use this image to make money.

  • Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ

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