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Photograph [Everest float, Coronation Parade]

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Mataura Museum

A black and white photograph of a float celebrating (Sir) Edmund Hillary's successful climb of Mount Everest. The signs on the float read 'NZ CROWNS EVEREST' and 'CROWNED BY HILLARY'. The event was a parade in Mataura on Saturday 6 June 1953 celebrating the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The Mataura Ensign has a full report on the celebrations on page 4 of its 8 June 1953 edition. The report opens: ' The highlight of the afternoon's gala was the procession - a triumph of ingenuity and spectacle. The parade of decorated vehicles far surpassed anything seen in Eastern Southland for many years. In a colour scheme of red, white and blue, prominence was given to the Coronation theme and to the conquest of Mount Everest. In the 20 or more floats and other units there was not one inferior one.'

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Photograph [Everest float, Coronation Parade]

  • Maker

    unknown photographer

  • Date made


  • Subject

    celebrations/weddings, 1950s, Mataura Celebrations

  • Additional information

    processed material, paper, h 65mm x w 110mm small

  • Rights

    All rights reserved

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Mataura Museum

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Mataura Museum

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  • Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ

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