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Barathea tuxedo with trench coat waistcoat

Shared by
New Zealand Fashion Museum

In 1989 Ches Pritchard won the Menswear Award at the Benson Hedges Fashion Design Awards. His black wool barathea tuxedo (much of it made by hand in true Savile Row tradition), black silk dupion trench-coat and peacock blue and black silk jacquard waistcoat, so impressed the judges they said he came close to winning the Supreme Award. "One of my unrealised ambitions was to have my own menswear label," he says. "Winning that award validated for me that I did have the ability to design high quality men’s clothing." 

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Barathea tuxedo with trench coat waistcoat

  • Maker

    Ches Pritchard

  • Contributor

    Photo courtesy of Alexander Turnbull Library, PAColl-6428-08

  • Date made


  • Subject

    Tuxedo, trenchcoat, waistcoat

  • Rights

    Photo courtesy of Alexander Turnbull Library, PAColl-6428-08 ; All Rights Reserved, Image © Barry Durrant

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New Zealand Fashion Museum

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New Zealand Fashion Museum

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