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National Army Museum Te Mata Toa

From album: Photograph Album: Charles Bennett - WWII Accession Description: Photograph album of Charles B Bennett, 28 Maori Battalion, 2NZEF. Cover is of leather and colorised picture depicting an Egyptian riverside scene. Photos were taken at Takrouna, Tunisia, Alamein, Medinine, Tripoli. They are of temporary graves of Maori Battalion men - Battalion HQ at time of attack - portrait ofNgarimu VC - the locals and village activities - 75mm German gun - olive groves - temporary NZ cemetery at Alamein - group photo of four men, includes Captain Mitchell and Lt Ngarimu - group photo of soldiers and a Maori nurse (Sister Cartney?) - photo of P West (KIA) and W Wordley - Te Rua Aroha truck parked near cemetery - Hill 209 at Medenine - an American troop carrier - POW s on the march - Padre Wanoa and George Keretene at Gabes - Te Aroha truck at Sfax - Libyian children posing beside Te Aroha truck - Te Aroha driving through street of Barce, Tripoli, Ben Gardane and Sirte in Tunisia - troops with a pile of patriotic Christmas parcels at Bardia - Christmas Day at Nofula 1942 - troops preparing a hangi for Christmas dinner - sorting Christmas rations - a piano from Sousse - Charles Bennett taking delivering of mutton birds from New Zealand - field church service at Christmas - YMCA staff at Tripoli - troops being served with refreshments before departing for New Zealand - picnic at Barrage - Charles Bennett at Sidi Rezegh dugout under shellfire - YMCA truck and tent - concert at El Djem - postcards from Colombo - commercially produced tourists photos from Port Said, Ismalia, Cairo, Alexandria, Syria and Jerusalem - Bennett beside a YMCA truck - troops at Bagush. Period: WWII Accession No.: 2012.2.1

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National Army Museum Te Mata Toa

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National Army Museum Te Mata Toa

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