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Black evening dress with diamanté straps

Shared by
New Zealand Fashion Museum

Attempts have been made to acquire this dress but Konstantina Moutos has been unequivocal, saying that she would never part with the garment that had provided her with the opportunity to follow her dreams of becoming a fashion designer. It is remembered by others as inspiring their engagement with the fashion industry. This beautifully cut sexy gown gave the precocious 22-year-old her second successive Supreme Award at the Benson Hedges Fashion Design Awards in 1986. She capitalised on the media attention and established her own studio in Wellington supplying boutiques in Auckland and Wellington. In 1991 she moved to Greece, the birthplace of her parents, where she has continued her fashion career. Read more about wearing the colour black in the New Zealand Fashion Museum publication Black: The history of black in fashion, society and culture in New Zealand.

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New Zealand Fashion Museum

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New Zealand Fashion Museum

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