Photograph, 1945 Snow Storm
Shared by
Awarua Communications Museum Inc
This photograph was taken in the Awarua Radio Station operating room in 1945 when a snow storm took out the telephone lines between Invercargill and Christchurch. With the telephones out of actions, the only way to communicate through much of the South Island was via radio.
Ngā whakamārama
Photograph, 1945 Snow Storm
Unknown Photographer
Date made
Disasters (including floods and fires), Communication (including Diaries and Letters), 1940s, Communication
Additional information
organic, processed material, vegetal, paper, photographic paper organic, processed material, vegetal, paper, card, h 205 mm x w 185 mm
Copyright status unknown - orphaned work
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1276 Bluff Highway, Awarua, Invercargill

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Awarua Communications Museum Inc
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Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ
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