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1904 Great Britain Touring Jersey

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New Zealand Rugby Museum

A reminder of New Zealand’s first international rugby test played at home (vs Great Britain), this jersey ran onto Athletic Park on the back of Welsh wing Willie Llewellyn, in front of an incredible 20,000 spectators. As Wellington’s population at the time was only around 40,000 people, we can only imagine the excitement a grand sporting event of this scale caused, particularly as the colonial All Blacks beat the Lions 9-3! Thought to be the oldest Great Britain jersey outside the British Isles, it was presented by Willie to the museum’s founder John Sinclair whilst travelling in 1967, who then brought it back to New Zealand in his suitcase.

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    1904 Great Britain Touring Jersey

  • Maker


  • Date made


  • Subject

    Britain, Great, Lions, Llewellyn

  • Additional information

    Cotton knit, 73(H base of collar to hem)x 47.5cm (w: across shoulder between sleeve seams) x46cm (w: at hem) x 53.5 cm (Length of sleeve)

  • Rights

    All rights reserved

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New Zealand Rugby Museum

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New Zealand Rugby Museum

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  • Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ

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