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Money Box, New Zealand Post Office Savings Bank Red

Shared by
Wyndham and District Historical Museum

This is a Post Office Savings Bank money box, made in the style of a closed book. On the bottom is a circular hole for paper money and a coin slot which is lined with teeth on each side which prevent coins from spilling out if tipped upside down. The money bank is locked and there is no key. When you filled it up you would take it to the bank, they had the key and would open it, empty it, lock it and return it to you. The Post Office Savings Bank was an important service offered by the local post office from the 1860s, and in many small towns and isolated rural communities it was one of the only financial services available. By the mid-1950s, due to legislation which restricted the rights of other savings banks, the Post Office Savings Bank controlled around 80% of the personal savings market.

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Money Box, New Zealand Post Office Savings Bank Red

  • Maker

    Unknown manufacturer

  • Date made


  • Subject

    Business and Retail, Domestic Life (household chattels, food and drink), Domestic Life

  • Additional information

    inorganic, processed material, metal, metal alloy, copper alloy, brass inorganic, processed material, metal, steel inorganic, processed material, synthetic, plastic, h 25 mm x w 75 mm x d 115 mm

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  • Location

    31 Balaclava Street, Wyndham

Wyndham and District Historical Museum

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Wyndham and District Historical Museum

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  • Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ

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