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Debutante Ball 1962

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Villa Maria College

Formal photograph of Villa Maria debutantes in 1962. Back Row: Treisha Ghent, Leonie McCarrin, Patricia O'Halloran, Dianne Green, Gillian McCarthy, Barbara Moore, Maureen Bamford. Second Row: Anne Merrifield, Margaret Butts, Valarie Steele, Barbara Morris (Auckland), Clare Dalton, Parish twins, Barbara McCarthy, Heather Trewern, Frances O"Connell, Marlene Goodman, Marie Simmonds, Julie Parnham. Third Row: non-Villian, Susan Gorman, Colleen Connor (Comm.), Colleen Ive (Pres.), Bishop Foley (Fiji), Bishop Joyce, Monsignor Hanrahan, Father Kane, Kathryn Ryall (Sec.), Christine Wilkins. Seated in Front: Edwina Sloane, Lesley Shepherd, Suzanne Kavanagh.

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