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Twilight's Edge (Lake II)

Shared by
Sarjeant Gallery / Te Whare o Rehua / Whanganui

oil on linen. Graham Fletcher’s seven new paintings featured in Twilight’s Edge and produced since his time as artist-in-residence (February – June, 2021) are both a continuation and departure from the narrative technique he has consistently employed in his work. In 2010 Fletcher first showed a group of paintings that combined 1950s and 60s architecture. These were like the pages of modernist magazines with interiors awash with stylish furniture and design and cultural artefacts. These works grouped under a banner of ‘Lounge Room Tribalism’ were inspired by a number of private collections of tribal art which led to Fletcher researching the critical legacy of Oceanic or African tribal art in domestic settings and how this legacy might be subverted within a contemporary Pacific and New Zealand context. As an extension of this, the paintings in Twilight’s Edge evoke a similar feeling of tension. Here Fletcher collages together a variety of imagery from different sources and in doing so there is a strange kind of disconnection between what is real, imagined and reconfigured. Collection of Te Whare o Rehua Sarjeant Gallery. Tylee Residency exhange, 2023

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Twilight's Edge (Lake II)

  • Maker

    Graham Fletcher

  • Date made

    Jun 2022

  • Subject

    Aotearoa New Zealand, Whanganui Region, Whanganui

  • Rights

    All rights reserved

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