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Silkroad Fan print singlet WORLD cream skirt, 2001

Shared by
New Zealand Fashion Museum

Genevieve de Pont purchased this singlet and skirt from shops - Silkroad and WORLD - located in the High Street District in central Auckland. "This Susan Scarf top saw me through a lot of university parties and nights out at Shadows. I remember being glad that this washed about as easily as my hair, because it was before smoking was banned in pubs and bars. The print on the front stood up to a lot of washing and still looks pretty much as good as new. I created a bit of a personal uniform based on clothes that I bought from WORLD in the early 2000s. I had two similar skirts from WORLD. I could easily pair this skirt with other t-shirts and tops, dressing it up for parties or down for wearing to lectures."

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Silkroad Fan print singlet WORLD cream skirt, 2001

  • Maker

    Susan Scarf (singlet), Dame Denise L'Estrange-Corbet and Francis Hooper (skirt)

  • Contributor

    Garment loan courtesy of Genevieve de Pont

  • Date made

    Circa 2001

  • Subject

    Singlet, skirt

  • Rights

    Garment loan courtesy of Genevieve de Pont ; Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence

Kei hea tēnei taonga? -
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New Zealand Fashion Museum

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New Zealand Fashion Museum

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    NZ Copyright law allows for the use of copyrighted works in specific circumstances. Consider what you can do under copyright law.

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  • Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ

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