The Lyalldale Waltz
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Waimate Museum & Archives
A general history of the Lylldale area.. Written inside first page: "Best wishes to the Waimate Historicla Society. Read slowly and ponder upon that which is written within. Isaac M. Thompson. November 1976.". "I hope you can accept this small gift as a token of appreciation. For those members who have given time and articles for safe keeping so...
Ngā whakamārama
The Lyalldale Waltz
Thompson, Isaac M. (Isaac Moorhead), 1905-1983
Date made
Farmers, Farm life, Farming, Country life, Lyalldale, St Andrews District, Waimate District
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219 p. [64] p. of plates : ill. ; fascsims. ; 23cm.
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28 Shearman Street, Waimate, South Canterbury

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Waimate Museum & Archives
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