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Photographs, Thames Museum

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Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga

Photographs taken around 1990 of the museum and surrounding grounds, including several exhibits. 1990.70a Rear of Thames Museum, east side wall, car and shed 1990.70b View from Cochrane St side of grounds, looking back at south end of museum. 1990.70c View from Cochrane St side of grounds, looking back at north end of museum. 1990.70d View from Pollen Street of Thames Museum, rock wall and grounds 1990.70e View from the museum towards Pollen Street and the Cornwall Arms Hotel 1990.70f View of the Magic Lantern display at Thames Museum 1990.70g View of the Pan-Chro Scope at the Thames Museum 1990.70h View of the Assay Scales that were used at Bull's Battery Thames.

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Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga

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Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga

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  • You must check with Thames Museum Te Whare Taonga o te Kauaeranga to confirm terms of use and any attribution requirements, but this is our understanding:

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  • Text adapted with permission from Te Papa and Digital NZ

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