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Jar, Quilter's cordial

Shared by
Mataura Museum

Jar; a stoppered pottery stone jar used to hold cordials made by T.F. Quilter of Mataura. It is coloured cream till the shoulder then brown , printing is black. It has 318 in black printing on the shoulder. It has a cork stopper with a wooden edging. Quilter's cordial drink business operated from 1907 until 1946, the firm's soft drinks were sold throughout Southland. This jar came from the Gillies family home in River Street, Mataura. Thomas Francis Quilter established Quilters Cordial Factory in Mataura in c.1907 Thomas was born in Waitahuna and his first career was as a gold miner. He prospected at Waipori where he took out a patent for a hydraulic dredge. Thomas came to Mataura in the early 1900s after losing an arm while working the dredge. He opened a fruit and confectionery shop for a few years before extending the business to include the manufacture of cordials which were sold throughout Southland. The bottles were specially made for the business and bear its name. They are now collectors' items. Thomas died in 1935 leaving a widow, 2 daughters and 5 sons. A son John Philip continued the business until 1940 when he enlisted to serve in World War Two. Another son James managed the business until 1946 when the business wound up due to war time rationing of sugar.

Ngā whakamārama -

  • Title

    Jar, Quilter's cordial

  • Maker

    Mauri Bros. & Thomson

  • Date made

    Early 1900's

  • Subject

    domestic accessories, business/commerce

  • Additional information

    processed material, ceramic, pottery, stoneware, h 340mm x dia 560mm medium

  • Rights

    All rights reserved

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Mataura Museum

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Mataura Museum

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