Marilyn Sainty brown linen owl photograph coat, 1998
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New Zealand Fashion Museum
Deborah Smith worked at Real Time on Ponsonby Rd when she first met Marilyn Sainty in the 1980s. Their creative collaboration began when Marilyn approached Deborah to photograph her garments in the early '90s, which started a friendship and a long-time working relationship that was capped off by an exhibition, Au Revoir Marilyn Sainty, which Deborah curated to mark the retiring of Marilyn's label in 2005.
Ngā whakamārama
Marilyn Sainty brown linen owl photograph coat, 1998
Marilyn Sainty
Garment loan courtesy of Deborah Smith.
Date made
Garment loan courtesy of Deborah Smith. ; Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence
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