Britains Cococub Granny Owl
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Western Bay Museum
These small metal toys were part of the Cococub Collection, designed by British Artis and illustrator Ernest Aris. The Cococub range was introduced in 1934, advertised as “A toy in every tin" Fifteen models were originally available, growing to a total of thirty-two characters. This was huge marketing success and a very popular club for child collectors was soon formed. This all ended at the outbreak of war in September 1939. Children could join the Cococubs Club with its badges, newspaper comic strips, magazines, children’s comics, and even a board game. These figures are still sought after by today’s collectors. Researched by Jeanette Shepherd.
Ngā whakamārama
Britains Cococub Granny Owl
Britains, Ernest Aris, Cadbury
Date made
c. 1930s
Toys, Childhood
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Processed material, Metal
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The Old Fire Station, 32 Main Road, Katikati 3129

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Western Bay Museum
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