Rainbow Auckland Netwark 40th Anniversary badge
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the Charlotte Museum Te Whare Takatāpui-Wāhine o Aotearoa
white, square badge with 40 in rainbow colours and violet Rainbow Auckland printed on it. One badge remains in the original plastic wrapping. This badge was produced by the Auckland Rainbow Network organisation to commemorate their 40th anniversary in 2024. The badges were handed out at their chritmas event held in the foyer of the Auckland Museum on Friday 6 December 2024. The Auckland Rainbow Network was previously the Gay Auckland Business Association (GABA). GABA was rebranded and divided into two connected organisations - Rainbow Auckland Network for events and social and communitiy activies and the Auckland Rainbow Charitable Trust for philantropic work.
Ngā whakamārama
Rainbow Auckland Netwark 40th Anniversary badge
Auckland Rainbow Network
Date made
78_Rainbow Queer Community Events Organisations NZ, Queer Lesbian History NZ, Auckland Rainbow Network 40 Anniversary, Auckland Rainbow Network
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the Charlotte Museum Te Whare Takatāpui-Wāhine o Aotearoa
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