The type and style of weaving in a kete provides information about its intended or original use.
Practical kete (kete mahi) include kete kai, used to gather mātaitai (seafood), taewa (potato), or kūmara. The weave of kete kai is specific for each type of food gathered, enabling water or dirt to escape through the holes.
Kete whakairo (patterned kete), and kete tāniko, which include panels of fine embroidery, are usually decorative.
This collection shares some of the types of kete described in collections across Aotearoa.
Kete kai
Food kete
Kete tāniko
Kete with fine embroidery or weaving
Kete whakairo
Patterned kete
Want to learn more? Start by exploring the kete shared on Kōtuia. Explore all kete on Kōtuia