Southland Museum and Art Gallery
Te rohe
108 Gala Street, Invercargill
Ngā haora mahi
Opening hours
Our building is closed to the public but our collection and curatorial teams are actively working toward a new Museum and can be contacted during normal working hours.
The Southland Museum and Art Gallery, Niho o te Taniwha is Murihiku Southland’s regional museum.
Sadly, we are closed because our buildings present an undue public risk in the event of an earthquake. Following our closure in April 2018 we are actively pursuing three main goals. First, we are working with our partners to plan a new re-invented museum. Our collection team is working hard to catalogue and pack the collection so that it is ready to be cared for offsite while a new museum is built. Our curators are working with colleagues from the Invercargill Public Art Gallery to develop a temporary museum and gallery exhibition space in Invercargill’s CBD.
Rest assured that despite our closure, the Collection is being actively cared for and that we remain committed to sharing Southland’s rich heritage.
Henry and the other tuatara can still be viewed from the outside of the Museum. We recommend visiting in the afternoon, when they are more likely to be out of their burrows enjoying the sun.
Ngā momo kohinga
Collection Strengths
Natural history and sciences
Social history
Taonga Māori