Geological Collections, The University of Auckland
Te rohe
School of Environment (ENV),
Science Centre, Building 302
The University of Auckland,
23 Symonds Street,
Ngā haora mahi
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 9.00am-5pm
The University of Auckland's geological collections are only able to be accessed by accredited researchers by prior arrangement. Public displays are no longer available.
The geological collections consist of several individual collections: Paleontology (Fossils), Petrology (Rocks), Mineralogy (Mineral), Speleothem (stalactites, stalagmites etc.) and Geothermal (Rocks & Minerals). In February 2008 the collections were rehoused in an off-site storage facility. They are primarily focused on research and as such the vast majority of samples are off-limits to the general public. The Paleontology Collection includes nationally and internationally significant holdings of New Zealand fossils, particularly invertebrates (both macro and micro), plants, modern and fossil birds. It also includes a large collection of Triassic and Jurassic fossils from New Caledonia and South East Asia. The Paleontology Collection also includes a significant collection of biological type specimens of both fossil and modern species. The Petrology Collection includes a large holding of North Island volcanic rocks, rocks from the mineral rich Thames-Coromandel District and rocks from the islands of the Southwest Pacific (especially New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and Samoa).
Ngā momo kohinga
Collection Strengths
Natural history and sciences
Ngā wāhi
Wheelchair access
Whakapā mai
Postal address
Geological Collections, School of Environment, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142
Phone number
64-9-3737599 x87431
Email address
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