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Onehunga Fencible & Historical Society Inc

Te rohe - Location
Jellicoe Park, Corner Quadrant Road and Grey Street, Onehunga

Ngā haora mahi - Opening hours
1st & 3rd Sunday of month 1.30pm to 4.00pm and by request for groups

Te utu - Admission

We have an original blockhouse from 1860 - a replica of a fencible cottage, fully furnished in the period circa 1847 and the 1856 original manse for the Congregational Church. ; The first minister was Rev. Richard Laishley, hence the house is called Laishley House. This is also fully furnished in the period.

We also welcome visitors & prospective members to our monthly meetings, these are held in the Blockouse, Jellicoe park, at 7.30 pm, on the third wednesday of the month Febrary to November.

Ngā momo kohinga -
Collection Strengths

Social history

Ngā wāhi -

  • Membership club

  • Other facilities

    Museum brochures

Whakapā mai -

  • Postal address

    Onehunga Fencible & Historical Society Inc. PO Box 13852 Onehunga AUCKLAND 1643

  • Phone number

    64-9-963-7923 Secretary & 021-2043625

  • Email address

  • Staff details


Kei te mahere -
On the map