Onehunga Fencible & Historical Society Inc
Te rohe
Jellicoe Park, Corner Quadrant Road and Grey Street, Onehunga
Ngā haora mahi
Opening hours
1st & 3rd Sunday of month 1.30pm to 4.00pm and by request for groups
Te utu
We have an original blockhouse from 1860 - a replica of a fencible cottage, fully furnished in the period circa 1847 and the 1856 original manse for the Congregational Church. ; The first minister was Rev. Richard Laishley, hence the house is called Laishley House. This is also fully furnished in the period.
We also welcome visitors & prospective members to our monthly meetings, these are held in the Blockouse, Jellicoe park, at 7.30 pm, on the third wednesday of the month Febrary to November.
Ngā momo kohinga
Collection Strengths
Social history
Ngā wāhi
Membership club
Other facilities
Museum brochures
Whakapā mai
Postal address
Onehunga Fencible & Historical Society Inc. PO Box 13852 Onehunga AUCKLAND 1643
Phone number
64-9-963-7923 Secretary & 021-2043625
Email address
Staff details
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On the map