Golden Bay Museum - Te Waka Huia o Mohua
Te rohe
73 Commercial Street, Takaka, Golden Bay/Mohua
Ngā haora mahi
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 12 - 4pm
Closed Sundays in winter
Te utu
Donation/koha appreciated
Our collections began with those of the former Takaka Museum, owned by Margaret Wilson QSM, long-time resident of Golden Bay/Mohua. In 1985 a group of local people agreed to purchase her collection, raising $75000 over several years, a big effort from a small population of around 4000. It's a diverse and interesting collection in its own right.
In 1989 further fundraising and grants saw the former Post Office (now occupied by Stitch n Sew) bought and restored. The exhibition building, was opened on 15 October 1990. Since then two extensions have been added, housing the growing documentary collections that support research and exhibitions. An extension enclosing our front deck has recently been completed, this will in the near future house a pilot whale skeleton and marine environment display.
We have a permanent display of Abel Tasman's 1642 voyage to New Zealand and encounter with local Tangata Whenua. This includes; a diorama-seascape which recreates the drama of the first meeting and also presents supporting documentation, large scale model of the Heemskerck.
Other collections with significant educational value relate to the social and natural history of the Golden Bay/Mohua area.
Ngā momo kohinga
Collection Strengths
Natural history and sciences
Social history
Taonga Māori
Ngā wāhi
Reference library
Public programmes
Membership club
Wheelchair access
Other facilities
Museum brochures
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